Chór Kameralny PSM I i II Stopnia im. L. Różyckiego - Gliwice, Poland
Chór Kameralny PSM I i II Stopnia im. L. Różyckiego - Gliwice, Poland
Conductor: Joanna Pudlik
The Chamber Choir of State Musical School of L. Różycki of I and II Degree from Gliwice is a youth choir in which sing students and graduates of the Musical School in Gliwice. The repertoire is focused on sacred music – the choir members sing it with passion. The choir is directed by Mrs. Joanna Pudlik who has a long-year experience with work with young people. They have won bronze at this year´s XXIII International Festival of Carols in Myślenice and Festiwal Pieśni Chóralnej Kolędy i Pastorałki, in 2012 they won Grand Prix at the Tychy Carol Evenings Festival.