
Grazie Tania per l'occasione che abbiamo avuto.
Tutto il gruppo è rimasto felice e io ritornerò magari con altri cori.
Grazie anche per la guida Anna.
Un abbraccio e un saluto a Praga e complimenti per la tua organizzazione.
Se altri cori italiani ti chiamassero fai pure il mio numero per referenze.
Buon giornata e Viva Praga!!!
Lorenzo Tassi e il Coro degli Angeli di San Pellegrino Terme (Italy)
Liebe Frau Sochorova,
An dieser Stelle möchte ich Ihnen nochmals für das tolle Chortreffen danken - für die Organisation Konzerte und des Rahmenprogramms
Mit freundlichsten Grüßen verbleibend
Kathleen Glückert
für den Chorvorstand des Collegium musicum Bonn
Dear Tania,
It was really amazing to be in Praha and join the Festival. 
We were lucky to get such a wonderful guide as Jan is. He really made the happening unforgettable.
on behalf of Päijänne-choir, Finland
Bonjour Stanislav
Nous voilà de retour depuis quelques jours et nous reprenons nos occupations habituelles après cette semaine où nous avons été enchantés de découvrir la vile et de participer à ce festival.
Nos choristes gardent un souvenir inoubliable des bons et beaux moments lors des concerts, de cette communion entre les chorales et cette joie partagée par tous.
Ce fut une belle semaine et personnellement, je vous remercie sincèrement de votre disponibilité et de votre gentillesse. Je vous ai surement sollicité le plus souvent parmi toutes les chorales engagées et vous avez toujours répondu avec rapidité et convivialité. Je garderai un très bon souvenir de nos échanges cordiaux. Bonne continuation à vous et au festival
Bien cordialement
L’Eau Vive 67 Strasbourg – France
Bonjour Stanislav,
Maintenant que tout est rentré dans l'ordre le moment est venu de vous adresser mes remerciements les plus
sincères tout d'abord: -de m'avoir, il y a bientôt deux ans,envoyé une invitation à votre festival,
-d'avoir pris en compte notre inscription pour cette année,
-de nous avoir, en dehors du festival, permis de découvrir Prague, Karlstein et Kutna Hora.
 -de nous avoir accompagné de guides que nous avons plus qu'appréciés pour leur sympathie
leur gentillesse, leur savoir et la surprise ce sont des pianistes hors paires.
Ce festival restera gravé dans nos mémoires pour sa beauté ,  sa diversité, les multiples rencontres que nous avons pu faire,
et le final de samedi à St Salvator  fut grandiose.
Pour tout cela, et j'en oublie certainement , je vous adresse un MERCI qui exprime tout ce que nous avons ressenti
durant ce festival surtout la gratitude d'avoir passé des moments exceptionnels.
En espérant vous rencontrer à nouveau recevez Stanislav mes salutations distinguées ,amicales et musicales.
Président du Chœur d'Hommes PLURICANTO
Buona sera Tania.
Noi siamo appena rientrati dopo questa splendida esperienza. Siamo tanto stanchi ma soddisfatti.
Dolores Podda, Cantos e Melodias - Italia- Sardinia
Dear Stanislav,
I also wanted to tell you what a wonderful time we had in Prague! We thoroughly enjoyed listening to and meeting other choirs from from all over Europe! We really mixed with the other groups the night of the dinner at the restaurant and were able to exchange addresses. We are still remembering all of the special moments which we lived throughout those wonderful six days!  The hotel was perfect and everything that you arranged for us was extremely well-organized. Ratka was very sweet and took great care of us as well! Thank you for everything! We have returned to Spain with fond memories of Prague and Kutná Hora which will remain with us forever! I wish you the best for your continued success in the organization of the Prague Music Festivals and am grateful to you for your all of your hard work in organizing our trip for us!  Warm regards, Beth, Coral Magnum Mysterium Estepona, Andalusia, Spain
Bonjour Stanislav
Content de pouvoir enfin , mettre un visage sur un nom , car nous avions échangés à de nombreuses reprises par courriels
Les choristes sont très satisfaits de notre participation à ce festival , et également  de notre séjour dans cette très belle ville de Prague . Transmettez tous nos sincères et chaleureux remerciements à cette gentille et dévouée guide Iveta Pckovà , qui nous a bien conseillé et qui a toujours été à l'écoute de nos souhaits en se montrant toujours disponible .
Merci ce festival qui restera un bon souvenir pour tous . Avec nos remerciements 
Bien Cordialement  Robert Gradeler, Choeur de Chene, France

Tânia, Desejando-te um FELIZ ANO 2015. Aproveito para também comunicar que gostámos muito de participar nos Concertos em Praga , foi muito gratificante para nós . Obrigada uma vez mais pelo teu convite . Quando vieres a Lisboa por favor avisa-me , gostaríamos muito de estar contigo
Um abraço amigo Maria Angélica Roberto, Grupo Coral Stravaganzza Portugal

Dear Stanislav,Thank you very much! I look forward to coming together with the choir next time! I would like to express our grateness in cooperating with you. New Year is around the corner. We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Best wishes, Andrey Kuznetsov on behalf of the Choir of the Moscow Creativity School

Dear Stanislav,here we are: back to reality, enjoying our sunny Rab! Prague Advent Choral Meeting 2014 was nice experience for us and thanks for your help all these months. I'm impressed what a magnificent churches we were singing in! What a glorious, spectacular sounds in there! Stanislav, it was such a privilege for our choir to sing there...Hope you really liked our performance and the tunes of our traditional Dalmatian songs? the Finnish choir and Portuguese one just loved it! They just couldn't believe we have such a fascinating songs for four voices and as I wrote it in our choir's biography, while singing them the pure essence of Dalmatian soul is transmitted! I'm so happy to know that most of choir singers did recognize it! Writing all these details to you,as you should know it and be proud you organized it! 'll keep in touch with some choirs and we do hope to meet them some day. Vlasta Vidal, Choir Refuli Rab, Croatia

Dear Stanislav! I would like to thank you on behalf of our сhoir for everything that you'd done to organise the Prague Advent Choral Meeting festival. We appreciate the support that you provided us during preparation to this wonderful chrismas event. We express our gratitude to everybody who assisted us in Prague and made our stay during the Festival really wonderful! We would be very glad to take part in your upcoming events. Thank you very much! Yours faithfully, Andrey Kuznetsov on behalf of the Choir of the Creativity School Moscow, Russia

Dear Stanislav, Thank you "so much" for a wonderful weekend in Prague, the music, the city, the church's the Christmas markets, the lights , everything about Prague was just so good. The festival committee have worked so hard to make such a successful event "well done". Our guide Stacey was very knowledgeable,affable and  willing to please. We look forward to returning to your beautiful city in the near future, many thanks again… Liz "Cavan Singers" Cavan Ireland

Dear Stanislav! The Advent Choral Meeting was a great experience for us! We enjoyed the Festival, the programmes of the choirs from different countries, the common singing with Mr Goncalves:)) Prague was fantastic at the beginning of Christmas time, and I think we were very lucky with the weather!!!! I'd like to thank you very much, that you help us a lot about our participation in this wonderful event! !Best wishes: Monika Reger and Amadeus choir Budapest

Boa Tarde Tania Sochorova, Em nome da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Ílhavo, vimos reconhecidamente agradecer todo o apoio e carinho que deram ao nosso Orfeão, aquando da sua atuação no Prague Advent Choral Meeting, no passado dia 28 de Novembro. Foi para nós um prazer estar convosco; todo o Grupo veio encantado. Apresentando os nossos cumprimentos, ficamos a aguardar um próximo encontro. Quem sabe? Orfeão da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Ílhavo O Provedor Fernando Maria da Paz Duarte

Dear Stanislav, It was a wonderful weekend in Prague. The concert and the common singing was fantastaic. Again many thanks for your help. Best regards,
Barnabas Deák, Amadeus Choir, Budapest

Lieber Stanislav, das unvergessliche und erlebnisreiche Prager-Wochenende liegt nun schon fast eine ganze Woche zurück. Für unseren Chor war dies ein einmaliges Erlebnis. Ich möchte mich im Namen aller bei Ihnen und der ganzen Veranstaltung herzlich bedanken. Wäre schön, wenn wir es nächstes Jahr wieder nach Prag schaffen :).Herzlichen Dank und liebe Grüsse aus der grauen Schweiz, Mirjam Boss, Frauenvokalensemble PH-Wert, Switzerland

Bonjour Stanislav, mille mercis pour ce très beau festival. Je pense que nous reviendrons une prochaine fois.
Franck de la Chorale Aquarelle, France

Hallo Ich möchte mich noch mal im Namen aller Sängerinnen des Frauenchores Vorderberg für das schöne Wochenende in Prag bedanken. Ein besonderer Dank gilt unserer Reiseleiterin Martha Holubova. Sie war ein echter Knaller und hat uns sehr gut in die Geschichte eingeführt. Es wäre nett wenn sie nachfragen könnten ob sie unsere CD erhalten hat die wir im Hotelzurückgelassen haben. Vielen Dank und bis zum nächsten mal. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Beatrice Zwick, Frauenchor Vorderberg, Österreich

Lieber Stanislav ,wir sind sehr froh, dass wir am diesen wunderschönen Festival teilnehmen konnten. Es war für uns ein fantastisches Erlebnis. Wir fühlten uns sehr schön. Unsere Fremdführerin Petra, die ungarisch perfekt sprechen kann, war sehr freundlich. Die Stadt ist auch sehr schön. Danke schön für Alles!  :-) mit herzlichen Grüssen Ana Bóna, Hévízgyörki Asszonykórus Népművészeti Egyesület, Ungarn

Hallo Tania, ich möchte mich noch im Namen des Singkreises der Kärntner in Graz bei Ihnen und den Mitarbeitern Ihrer Agentur für das schöne Chormeeting in Prag bedanken. MfG Thomas Ortner

Good morning Tania I'm sure you are exhausted after all the organisation/planning of the weekend's activities. Just to say, on behalf of St. Anthony's Folk Group, a huge thank you for allowing us to be part of a truly wonderful weekend of music. Our group thoroughly enjoyed the whole weekend and enjoyed so much performing in the 3 venues. We hope that you will allow us to return again next year. May I also ask you to extend our sincere gratitude to Jaroslav for looking after us so well over the weekend. Thanks again for a wonderful experience. Paddy Mc Eneaney On behalf of St. Anthony's Folk Group, Kraainem

I am Edoardo Marengo, conductor of the Organicantum Choir. We joined the Summer Choral Meeting 2014, It has been amazing!!!!! Thank you all! Greetings from Italy!!

Olá Tânia, boa tarde
Quero comunicar que já chegamos a Portugal e à nossa terra Barreiro.
Quero aproveitar para dar os parabéns pela organização, convívio dos coros e trocas de experiencias.
Fomos muito bem acompanhados pela nossa guia “Jana”, que tudo fez para nos sentirmos felizes.
Estamos com vontade de voltar.
Parabéns, beijinhos e até breve.
Fernando Antunes, Coral TAB – Portugal

Olá Tania, O Coro de Câmara de Montargil já está em casa, e todos os elementos adoraram tanto o “Prague Choral Advent Meeting 2013” como a lindíssima cidade de Praga, das mais bonitas do mundo. Queremos agradecer à vossa Organização o simpático convite e a oportunidade que o Coro teve de conhecer os outros grupos, de outras culturas e com um trabalho extraordinário para mostrar.
Votos de boas festas para todos. Até à próxima.  Děkuji ! Rui Carapinha

Coral Media Luna

Dear Stanislav,
Now the dust has settled I wanted to write to say how much we enjoyed our trip to Prague. The service you provided was second to none and was one of the most 'luxurious' choir tours I have been on. The hotel was excellent and we were very happy with the performing venues. We particularly enjoyed singing in the magnificent acoustic of St Salvator's church, a special treat as we are normally used to performing in a small church. Stacy was extremely knowledgeable and friendly as a guide and liaison and the boat cruise was a great time for us all to sit together and celebrate the successful tour.
Many thanks again,
Tristan, St. Bartholomews Church Choir, Dublin, Ireland

Bonjour Stanislav,
 Nous voilà rentrée en Suisse, merci beaucoup pour l'organisation de notre séjour à Prague.
Nous avons eu beaucoup de plaisir, et votre ville est vraiment magnifique! Les adresses que vous m'aviez donné pour manger étaient très bien et je peux vous dire que nous avons passé une soirée extraordinaire au Beer Factory.  Cordiales salutations, et qui sait peut être à une autre fois....
 Martine Corminboeuf, La Chanson des Hameaux, Switzerland

Dear Stanislav,
We came home safe and sound. We had a wonderful time in Prague. Everything was just great and we enjoyed ourselves very much. Thank you for your cooperation. It was pleasure working with you and meeting you in person. All the best, Saša Čohar-Mančić, Chamber Choir Val, Croatia

Hola Tania: Queremos decirte que nuestra estancia y participación en vuestro Festival, ha sido muy enriquecedora, lo hemos pasado muy bien y agradecemos vuestra acogida. Un abrazo y hasta siempre. FELIZ NAVIDAD. Un abrazo especial a nuestra guía  Juana. Coral Elkarrekin + Coral  Media Luna, Navarra, Spain 

Coral Media Luna

Dear Stanislav, On behalf of the Monasterevin Gospel Choir I want to thank you and your group for an amazing experience in Prague, we had a wonderful time in your beautiful city and taking part in such fantastic Festival of music. Our guide Stacey was a lovely girl and looked after us so well she was willing to do anything for us and I would like you to express our sincere thanks to her.  I left a little gift with her for you. Our hotel was also lovely. Kindest regards. Jacqui, November 2013

monastervin gospel choir

Dear Stanislav and other friends! Liemers Cantorij has arrived home safe and well after a tremendous singing meeting in Prague! We have had a splendid time, singing in your beautiful churches! We'd like to thank you for your invitation and your welcome during our stay. We have seen so much of your beautiful city (of course too little but perhaps we will return, you'll never know). Hanneke Wolters,Liemers Cantorij, November 2013

Vom 24 - 26. November 2012 war der Männerchor in Prag und nahm an einem Chortreffen teil. 24 Sänger und 16 Sängerfrauen genossen die wunderschöne, vorweihnachtliche Stadt, welche durch ein ausgezeichnete Führung vorgestellt wurde. In der gotischen Kirche St. Salvador waren dann eindrucksvolle Gesänge unterschiedlicher Chöre aus Irland, England, Osttirol und der Schweiz zu hören, welche durch die exzellente Akustik wunderbar zur Geltung kamen. Gesangverein Männerchor Muntlix

Cara Tânia Os nosso cumprimentos pela vossa organização. Correu tudo muito bem e as nossas duas guias foram espectaculares. Os concertos,o hotel, as refeições, os tranfers esteve tudo muito bem e até a neve nos veio surpreender ! Bjs e até sempre Maria João Lemos Rodelo, Grupo Coral de Samouco, Portugal

Dear Tania We wish to thank you and compliment you for organisation. We all had wonderful days in Prague and our guides were absolutely wonderful girls, very professional, kind and very helpful to all of us. We have been delighted to sing in both churches. Opera was a good experience and even the snow joined us. The most part of us had never seen it and it was really amusing! Our best regards to all the staff of the Prague Advent Choral Meeting Maria João Lemos Rodelo, Grupo Coral de Samouco, Portugal, December 2012

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, als erstes möchte ich Ihnen und Ihren Familien alles Gute im Neuen Jahr wünschen. Das nächste was ich Ihnen unbedingt auf diesen Wege sagen möchte ist, dass Ihr Festival absolute Spitze war. Es hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht und es hat uns allen sehr gefallen. Wir durften feststellen, dass Sie und Ihre Landsleute sehr gute Gastgeber waren. Mit freundlichen Grüßen,Grit Wolf, Blema-Chor „Gerhard Hirsch“ Aue e.V.

Good Morning, just wanted to say a big thank you for a fabulous weekend in Prague. We all had a wonderful time and it couldn't have been organised better by yourselves. David was brilliant and nothing was too much trouble. Many thanks again Sara Bundey, Di Voci, United Kingdom, 2012

Das Vokalensemble InTakt und ich persönlich möchten Ihnen ganz ganz herzlich danken für dieses schöne Wochenende in Prag, für die Möglichkeit, Ihre Stadt mal im weihnachtlichen Ambiente kennenzulernen und vor allem so viele tolle Chöre zu hören. Es war eine tolle Erfahrung und allen hat es sehr gut gefallen. Vielen vielen Dank!! Wir wünschen Ihnen und Ihren Kollegen ein schönes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr! Auf Wiedersehen und vielleicht bis bald, Liebe Grüße aus Magdeburg Jana Böhme und InTakt, December 2011

We enjoyed very much the festival and your beautiful Praga. I wish you Merry Christmas and happy new year Nadia, Italy, Laudamus Choir, December 2011

Good evening, We had a wonderful few days in Prague and thank you for everything. I would also like to say that Stacey is a great girl and you are very lucky to have her. We all really appreciated her and she was very helpful to us all. Make sure and say a big Thanks from all in Kilkenny gospel choir. Many thanks and kind regards, Mary Doran, December 2011

Dear Alena, Thank you so much for inviting us to the Advent Choir Festival. We enjoyed the experience greatly, the Christmas markets, singing in St Salvator Church, River boat trip, the sightseeing tour of Prague. Most of all we enjoyed the hostitality of so many people and particularly our two young guides, Christina and David. They did an excellent job for us and deserve the highest praise. I would also like to thank you for your excellent organisation and for the efficient way you adapted plans to suit our needs. Thank you. You have a very beautiful city, thankfully not spoilt by fire or war like other cities in Europe. I am looking forward to returning sometime in the future. Thank you and God bless you all. Bob Allen Gloucester and District Christian Choir, December 2011

Home, sweet home :) We travelled 18 hours to get back here - the plane as well as the boat was delayed. Our memories are excellent and we gonna keep them with you on our hearts:)) Our guide Monika, she is the Sunshine! It was interesting to hear christmas carols of different coutries. Our hotel was located perfectly and they served us well. We are pleased planning another journey to Czech, with our families or friends! Hoping You happiness and joy and remembering the genuine Christmas feeling in Praque,  Tarja Mikkanen, Lahti Female Choir, December 2010

Good morning, dear Tania, congratulations on the great festival! Our  group was totally charmed, we have never sung in such fairy tale  enviroments. All members keep on praising the decision to join the

festival. I have taken them to the roof of U Prince hotel - that  literally amazed them, the atmosphere at the U Fleku pub was also  fantastic. And the common singing and opera. ALL, ALL unforgetable.

Thank you very much for everything and if you ever travel to Norway, you  are welcome to stay with us. Mirka Cejka, KorEssa, Norway, December 2010 

Life has got back to normal after the Advent in Prague and Christmas in Budapest. I am writing to you to tell you how much we enjoyed our stay in Prague. We had a wonderful time there. We enjoyed the busy downtown streets of Prague, the beautiful lights, the tasteful decorations of the squares and streets and of course the opportunity for singing a lot. The concert in the church was a special event for us, this was the second time we had performed the mass and it caused us a lot of pleasure. Also, singing together with the other choirs in the church was a nice event. So, thank you for organising this event, I think it is a nice tradition and should be continued! I have seen the pictures on the webpage, you were really quick!!!Éva Sándor, Musica Ludens, Hungary

Heute möchte ich mich im Namen aller Frauen ganz herzlich für die tolle Organisation zum Adventstreffen bedanken. Es hat alles super geklappt. Die Moldau-fahrt und auch das Spezialitäten-essen waren super toll!! Vielen Dank für die Empfehlung.  Unser Chor hatte vor Weihnachten ja noch einige Auftritte. Das Weihnachtskonzert am 3.Advent im Schloss war auch sehr gelungen. Für uns war es ein kleiner Höhepunkt, denn es war unser 15. Advents-Singen. Die tollste Sache überhaupt, war aber für den ganzen Chor das Singen in Prag.Ich kann es gar nicht richtig beschreiben, aber das Singen mit allen Chören war für uns mit Gänse-haut verbunden.  Vielen, vielen Dank noch einmal für die Einladung.  Bestellen sie bitte PAWEL von uns einen lieben Gruß, er hat seine Sache toll gemacht. Ganz liebe Grüße aus Meyenburg von Rita Pilgrim, Frauenchor Meyenburg, Deutschland

Надеюсь трудные фестивальные дни закончились ,и я могу на несколько минут вас отвлечь.

Хочу выразить вам огромную благодарность от моего хора и от меня лично за чудесные впечатления которые вы нам подарили.  А от себя еще раз благодарю ,за неожиданную для меня возможность поработать с таким большим хором.  Поздравляю Вас и ваших сотрудников с Рождеством и Новым годом и желаю всего самого лучшего!! С уважением Ольга Косибород, Gofman Choir + Choir MGPI /Moskovskij gumanitarnyj pedagogiceskij institut/

Hola: Un día por otro se me está pasando el tiempo sin daros las gracias por lo bien que nos lo habéis hecho pasar. Todo resultó estupendamente. Y la organización muy buena. Las guías fueron cariñosas, pacientes y extraordinarias. De verdad. La ciudad preciosa y lo que nos ha ocurrido es que como se nos ha hecho poco tiempo el de estancia allí, pues muchos de nosotros volveremos en la primavera para poder disfrutar de Praga y sus alrededores con más tiempo.Recibe un abrazo muy fuerte de la Coral San Antonio de Iralabarri y de mi misma.Maite Martinez

Dear Boris,We returned from Prague full of pleasant memories for which we are deeply grateful to all organizers of the festival.Best regards Eva Forika, Corul Dorulet Al Dascalilor de la Scoala Lucian Blaga Din Ocna Mures, Romania

We wish to thank you and compliment you for organisation; the Choral Arnatese's Lyrical Chor spent in Prague very pleasant days and shared very leading experiences, not only Choral.A hearthful thank to Giada, Aneta and Eva, very kind, patient and helpful guides who have much facilitated us.Best regards.p.Associazione Culturale Corale Arnatese Franca Dall'Acqua

Ich kann nur wiederholen - die Organisation war perfekt und ich möchte mich bei ihnen -Frau Sochorova- persönlich für Ihren Einsatz bedanken.  Ebenfalls ein schönes und gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest !  Freundliche Grüße  Franz WEICHSELBAUMER SinGkreis Gunskirchen

Dear Boris We want to thank you for the brilliant stay in Prague. Our guide, Jana, was a very qualified and nice person, and she was very good and responsible to take care of us. The hotel was brilliant, too. Theatre was a very good and funny experience - the same for the boattrip. The acustic in St. Salvator is fantastic and we have a very good feeling for the quality of our concert. WE could suggest that at the meeting for all the choirs it would be nice if all choirs had an hour drinking coffee and talking to each other. Here we might get connections for exchanges between choirs. Just an idea to you - a bit inspiration. I hope you will have a Nice Christmas and A Happy New Year. Give my best regards to the staff behind The Advent Choral Festival. I hope Nevertheless will return next December. Lise- Lotte Brix Nevertheless

Gerhard Schulte,Vorsitzender des ars musica chores Bensheim 

Die Teilnahme am Adventsfestival und der Aufenthalt in Prag waren für unseren Chor ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis. Vielen Dank für die Einladung und für Ihr Engagement. Herzliche Grüße und vielen Dank auch an unsere Reisebegleiterin, die uns trotz der Kürze der Zeit zu vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten der goldenen Stadt Prag geführt hat. Auf dem beigefügten Bild sehen Sie unseren Chor (in Winterkleidung) vor einem Seitenportal, des St. Veit Domes. Das Magnificat von Cesar Cui haben wir inzwischen mit dem ganzen Chor und mit gutem Erfolg auch bei einem Adventskonzert in Bensheim aufgeführt. Im Namen unseres Chores wünsche ich Ihnen ein schönes Weihnachtsfest und alles Gute das neue Jahr.

prof.Petru Androne Eli Vlastarele Orastei, Romania Dear Friends, Thank you for very very good hospitality and our guide, I send you a few pictures with our choir performing in Prague, I wish you Merry Christmas

FORSSAN NAISKUORO, Finland  I'm just writing to thank you on behalf of myself, our committee and all the choir members for the excellent time we had in Prague. Our guide was outstanding and we couldn't praise her enough. From the moment we arrived there we were looked after very well. Congratulations to all of you!

Singkreis Frannach, Austria  Wir möchten uns ganz herzlich für das wirklich gelungene Festival in Prag bedanken. Für uns war die gesamte Veranstaltung ein unvergessliches Erlebnis und dies vor allem deshalb, weil die Organisation wirklich toll war. Wir kommen sehr gerne mal wieder.

GRUPO CORAL DE PROENÇA-A-NOVA, Portugal  Quanto ao Festival ficamos muito satisfeitos com toda a recepção que nos foi dispensada. Desejamos que o ano de 2009 lhe traga tudo aquilo que mais deseja, são os votos de todos os componentes do Grupo Coral de Proença-a-Nova, Portugal

Die Teilnahme am Adventsfestival und der Aufenthalt in Prag waren für unseren Chor ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis. Vielen Dank für die Einladung und für Ihr Engagement. Herzliche Grüße und vielen Dank auch an unsere Reisebegleiterin, die uns trotz der Kürze der Zeit zu vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten der goldenen Stadt Prag geführt hat. Auf dem beigefügten Bild sehen Sie unseren Chor (in Winterkleidung) vor einem Seitenportal, des St. Veit Domes. Das Magnificat von Cesar Cui haben wir inzwischen mit dem ganzen Chor und mit gutem Erfolg auch bei einem Adventskonzert in Bensheim aufgeführt. Im Namen unseres Chores wünsche ich Ihnen ein schönes Weihnachtsfest und alles Gute das neue Jahr. Gerhard Schulte,Vorsitzender des ars musica chores Bensheim 

C. C. J.  Hardt / J Capella - GERMANY   Vielen Dank für den wundervollen Aufenthalt bei Ihnen. Wir hatten sehr viel Spaß und es hat "fast" alles reibungslos geklappt. Ich möchte mich an dieser Stelle vor allem im Namen des Chores und unserer Dirigentin, Frau Popescu, bei Frau Holubova bedanken, die uns sehr viel Freude bereitet hat und immer für Fragen ansprechbar war und organisatorisch schnell Probleme lösen konnte auf Ihre eigene tolle Art. Bitte richten Sie Ihr unsere Grüße aus.Vielen Dank noch einmal für Ihre Unterstützung.   

Ovidiu Capitan / Corul Mixt „Nașterea Domnului” al Parohiei Ortodoxe Române Arad-Micălaca-Veche II - Arad  ROMANIA  Thank you for the good organization of the festival. We have a great time being there and hope maybe next year to participate again - tipy na výlet
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